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Why use  Viset Mat?

The science behind 
Viset Mat

Viset Mat is a vibroacoustic device, a technology that employs low-frequency sinusoidal sounds to convey vibrations to the body. These vibrations act like a deep massage, granting numerous proven benefits. Among these are the reduction of muscle tension, enhancement of blood circulation, relief from various pains, and the promotion of relaxation and profound rest states.


Regular use of Viset Mat sets the perfect ambiance for better sleep, a lifestyle with less stress, and maintaining a balanced energy both physically and mentally.


It's important to highlight that the vibration provided by Viset Mat is unique and differs from other massaging devices on the market. Here, the body receives and absorbs pure and clear sound, as we listen to music promoting natural sedation.


There's a vast body of scientific studies backing the health benefits of sonic vibration. Vibroacoustics, a discipline investigating the effects of low-frequency sinusoidal sounds, has its roots in Scandinavian countries from the early 80s and has gained global relevance over the last four decades.


Jorge Zain, a pioneer in deploying this specific technology in Latin America, has been at the forefront of Viset Mat's development and the accompanying app offering sonic vibration programs.

Benefits of Viset Mat

  • Immediate Deep Relaxation: Experience profound and revitalizing calmness instantly upon using Viset Mat.

  • Natural Sleep Enhancement: Facilitates a more restorative and healthy sleep without the need for pharmaceutical interventions.

  • Reduction in Anxiety Medication Usage: A holistic alternative that may decrease reliance on anxiety medications.

  • Emotional Stability: Its daily use can help balance your mood and reduce anxiety symptoms. However, remember, no device can replace the attention of a mental health professional when needed.

  • Cellular Oxygenation: Improves oxygenation in every cell of the body, promoting a tangible sense of well-being.

  • Optimization of Blood Circulation: Feel the difference in your overall well-being by improving your blood flow. Enhanced circulation may also naturally help in toxin elimination from the body.

  • Pain Relief: Directly aids in reducing various types of physical discomforts.

  • Profound Well-being: Immerse yourself in a lasting state of calmness and well-being.

  • Expansion of Consciousness: Facilitates introspection and self-awareness, promoting personal growth.

  • Fatigue Reduction: Revitalizes and energizes by alleviating both physical and mental fatigue.

  • Mental Clarity and Concentration: The relaxation states fostered by sonic vibration can help enhance concentration and offer greater mental clarity.

  • Strengthening of the Immune System: Stress reduction and improved rest can bolster the immune system, making it more resilient to diseases.

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